Bio-identical Hormone Center
Offering expert Bio-Identical Hormone in Phoenix & Scottsdale Arizona. In business since 1988.
What is a Bio-Identical Hormone?
Simply put, bio-identical hormone is the macromolecule that has the exact same blue print and architecture as the naturally produced “invivo” (or within the body) hormone. They are manufactured in the lab to comply with exact molecular structure and are compounded organically by FDA approved compounding pharmacies. The typical bio-identical hormones as it relates to treatment are: Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone.
Conversely, synthetic hormone is mass produced hormone that varies significantly in the molecular structure and source. In the literature, many adverse side effects have been noted. These include Premarin® (horse urine derivative), Prempro®, Provera® to name a few. While bio-identical hormone usage has been around since the early 1940’s, it was not widely accepted, even today. That is because many physicians are not trained to appreciate the beauty of the natural and bio-identical hormones but also because of the inherent interest of the pharmaceutical companies in making sure it stays that way. Thus many patients, unfortunately, are advised by their physicians that it is either not effective or waste of time- because they are not familiar and have not taken the time to get properly trained.
Bio-Identical Hormones vs Synthetic Hormones
There is a big debate on this issue currently here in the US. A million woman study conducted by the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was a flawed study design that excluded bio-identical hormones and only studied synthetic hormones. Also, the average age of women in this study was 63, which tended to skew the study results. What’s more enlightening are the new studies that conclusively show the safety and efficacy of bio-identical hormones.
Bio-identical hormones are derived from yams or soy and are identical in molecular composition to human hormones.
Bio-identical hormones have been used in Europe successfully and safely without the side effects of synthetic hormones for over 60 years.
Bio-identical hormones do not have the adverse side effects such as breast cancer and is safe.
Many of the concerns about bio-identical hormones as it relates to synthetic hormones are based on faulty studies and lack of research.
We believe that obtaining the most optimal vitality starts with strong foundation in medicine complemented by effective and proven holistic care. We are passionate about our patient’s health, quality of life, and obtaining the most optimal youthful vitality. We offer it all in one place with the most sophisticated training and care. Simple and Effective. That’s the way we like it.
Call us today to schedule a consultation 602-952-8446
Hormone Balance for Men
Offering expert Hormone Balance for Men in Phoenix & Scottsdale Arizona. In business since 1988
Many men believe that bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is designed only for women who undergo menopause, perimenopause or related hormonal imbalance. The truth is that men also undergo hormonal decline as they age called Andropause.
Andropause is a progressive decline of free and total testosterone as they age, beginning around 30 years of age which results in physiological and psychological changes with varying degrees of severity. Symptoms are typically related to low testosterone, but in some cases by high estrogen levels, or a combination of both.
- Heart disease such as hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Coronary artery disease
- Diabetes
- Rapid aging
- Arthritis
- Pain
- Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease
- Loss of mean body mass and inability to retain
- Weight gain and increased fat mass
- Loss of hair
- Increased skin condition and wrinkling
- Mental and physical fatigue
- Mood disorders and irritability
- Depression
- Memory loss
- Insomnia
- Lack of concentration, motivation,ambition
- Sexual dysfunction, loss of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction
- High cholesterol levels
- Diabetes and increased blood sugar levels
- Loss of endurance and exercise tolerance
- Loss of youthful vitality
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore the hormone deficiency, imbalance, or fluctuations that may cause the undesired symptoms. Each individual is different in terms of the exact therapy needed so a consultation is highly advised. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 602-952-8446 or schedule a comprehensive consultation today.
Hormone Balance for Women
Many women undergo premenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms. Hormone balance for women may be necessary for any age. Women may undergo hormonal imbalance causing many symptoms consistent with:
- Hot flashes
- Anxiety
- Weight gain
- Belly fat
- Breast tenderness
- Emotional instability and mood swings
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Increased skin aging and hair issues
- Loss of energy and muscle mass
- Fatigue and exercise intolerance
- Sexual dysfunction, loss of libido
- Vaginal dryness
- Immune system instability
- Migraine head aches
- Joint pain
By employing precise Bio-identical Hormone Therapy utilizing the latest advances in hormone pellets, creams, and patches, to elicit the most optimal outcome, our patients achieve optimized vitality and reverse the aging process. Every patient is unique in her needs and our providers have the expertise and attention to detail necessary to formulate the perfect treatment plan. Our goal is to provide a complete care to achieve this. We employ the highest quality natural supplementation, natural bio-identical hormones, and procedure in parallel with traditional medicine. We are your total and holistic primary care physicians from head to toe.
For more information please contact us or call to schedule a consultation 602-952-8446.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone is a steroid hormone naturally made by the body. Testosterone helps maintain reproductive tissues, stimulate sperm production, stimulate and maintain sexual function, increase muscle mass, and maintain bone strength. The proper amount of testosterone in your body is vital to your overall sense of well-being. Too little testosterone can lead to several health and wellness issues while a balanced hormone level can help you rediscover youthful vitality.
- Do you have the following symptoms?
- Are you frequently fatigued?
- Is your immune system weak?
- Having trouble with weight?
- Excessive belly fat?
- Loss of sexual interest?
- Erectile dysfunction?
- Mood swings and irritability?
- Anxiety?
- Depression, memory loss, insomnia not responsive to conventional treatment?
- Decreased concentration, lack of ambition?
- Decreased hair or hair loss?
- Elevated cholesterol, increased blood sugar?
- Loss of lean muscle mass?
If you answered “yes” to at least 3 items above, you may be suffering from low testosterone. An easy blood test can confirm the testosterone levels in your body.
Our physician Dr. Jeffers can determine if you suffer from low testosterone by ordering blood work and also saliva test. If test results determine that you have low Testosterone level, Dr. Jeffers can provide Testosterone shots or testosterone implants to increase testosterone levels. (As with any hormone therapy treatment, individual results may vary). To schedule a consultation please call 602-952-8446